Scientific Publications


Cheng F., Watton P.N., Pederzani G., Kurobe M., Takaoka E., Chapple C., Birder L., Yoshimura N., Robertson A.M., A constrained mixture-micturition-growth (CMMG) model of the urinary bladder: Application to partial bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 134,

Pederzani G., Czechowicz K., Ghorab N., Morris P.D., Gunn J.P., Narracott A.J., Hose D.R., Halliday I., The Use of Digital Coronary Phantoms for the Validation of Arterial Geometry Reconstruction and Computation of Virtual FFR, Fluids, vol. 7 issue 6,


Haley H.A., Ghobrial M., Morris P.D., Gosling R., Williams G., Mills M.T., Newman T., Rammohan V., Pederzani G., Lawford P.V., Hose D.R., Gunn J.P., Virtual (computed) fractional flow reserve: Future role in acute coronary syndromes, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine vol. 8,

Solanki R., Gosling R., Rammohan V., Pederzani G., Garg P., Heppenstall J., Hose D.R., Lawford P.V., Narracott A.J., Fenner J., Gunn J.P., Morris P.D., The importance of three dimensional coronary artery reconstruction accuracy when computing virtual fractional flow reserve from invasive angiography, Scientific Reports, vol. 11 issue 1,


Pederzani G., (PhD Thesis) Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Arterial Mechanobiology: Application to Cerebral Vasospasm,


Bhogal P., Pederzani G., Grytsan A., Loh Y., Brouwer P.A., Andersson T., Gundiah N., Robertson A.M., Watton P.N., Sodermann M., The unexplained success of stentplasty vasospasm treatment: insights using mechanistic mathematical modelling, Clinical Neuroradiology, 29, 763-774,


den Hollander F., Pederzani G., Multi-colony Wright-Fisher with seed bank, Indagationes Mathematicae, 28(3), 637-669,